Honeywell Xenon 1900GHD

Area-Imaging Scanner

  • The Xenon™ 1900GHD scanner offers offers industry-leading innovation,
         performance and reliabilit. It allows enterprises to read color bar codes that were
         previously unreadable, such as a red bar code on a white background.

  • It able to paired with advanced software algorithms that are optimized to take
         advantage of the scanner’s custom image sensor.

  • It can withstand up to 50 drops to concrete from up to 6 feet. An IP41-rating
         provides added protection.

  • Honeywell Xenon 1900GHD Specification

    Honeywell Xenon 1900GHD Features
  • ColorFusion Technology: Allows color images to be captured and high contrast color bar codes to
         be scanned, without negatively impacting bar code scanning performance

  • Custom Sensor Optimized for Bar Code Scanning: Improves scanning aggressiveness and
         protects investment by providing supply chain stability

  • Two Focal Options: High density and standard range options provide application-specific scanning,
         leading to improved productivity

  • Image Processing Software: Offers advanced editing functionality such as cropping, brightening,
         rotating and sharpening to produce high-quality digital images

  • TotalFreedom™ 2.0: Second-generation development platform enables the loading and linking of
         multiple applications on the scanner to enhance image processing, decoding or data formatting
         functionality, eliminating the need for host system modifications

  • Remote MasterMind™ Scanner Management Software: Provides a quick and convenient solution
         for IT administrators seeking to manage all scanners within their network from a single remote

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